2025 Package Honey Bees 

We sell 3 pound packages of Italian honey bees from Wilbanks Apiaries, GA.
Bee pickup is estimated for mid-April.  You will receive an email from Backwoods with a pickup date.
Options listed for a marked or unmarked queen in online store.
No Shipping available.  See Web Store for ordering options.

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Customer Pick up date for Package bee is Mid- April We will email customer with pickup date and post on the website.*For updates closer to pick-up, check our Facebook page, website home page or call us. *All Deposits and Payments are Non Refundable. Any package bees not picked up by end of pickup date may be resold, as they are livestock and need to be hived.

Package Queen Replacement

Any package Queen that is found dead at installation will be replaced free upon return of the dead Queen in the cage, for up to three days following pick up. Queens found to be poorly mated will be replaced at our cost for up to two weeks after installation. No Exceptions. We cannot guarantee every Queen we sell will be great but we try to assist beekeepers to the best of our ability. We do not ship Queens and there will be No Cash Refunds for Queens Packages or Nucs.

2025 Spring Nucleus Colony

Spring Nucleus Colony - 5 deep frames with a marked young mated queen.  

A nuc is small colony of bees with a laying queen and brood, ready to expand into a full sized hive. It will be in a plastic or cardboard nuc transport box that you keep.

Pick up date is estimated for early May as weather permits. We will contact you via email or phone to make pick-up arrangements when they arrive. 

IMPORTANT: For updates closer to pick-up date, check our Facebook page or call us.

*All Deposits and Payments are Non Refundable.​

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Queen Bees

Italian Queen Bee  
Available May - August

Backwoods Northern Raised Queens
June - August (when available)

French Hill Apiary Queens 
A Northern Raised Queen -available mid July in limited supply

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